I’m here to help you, dear friend.
Your first thought may be, “Wait, there’s nothing wrong with me! I’m perfectly fine!”
That was my thought when I first started getting attacked. Eventually I came to discover just how wrong I was. “Chronic fatigue” is the only thing I claimed I was dealing with due to a pretty intense and unexpected cervical discectomy and fusion back in 2013, but I was in complete denial of the fact that the reason I was covered in bugs was because I was quite possibly almost dead. The afflictions I suffered from included but were not limited to: misdiagnosed Lyme disease (also overlooked by doctors) for over a decade, severe heavy metal toxicity, mold toxicity, candida overgrowth, fungal overgrowth, intestinal parasitic infections, and Epstein-Barr virus. Epstein-Barr virus is a tricky one, apparently it lies dormant in everyone’s system until their immune function becomes compromised and then it likes to rear its ugly head. I was diagnosed with EBV by an infectious disease doctor after he congratulated me on NOT having Lyme disease, even though by the time I made it to his office my body was so severely infested with Lyme my muscles felt as though they were going to completely rip away from the bone and fall from my body. I asked him how to treat Epstein-Barr, and he claimed there was no treatment. That is also incorrect, and I can help you with that as well.
There have been instances in my bird mite groups where a small child is being afflicted, and I have to say from personal experience that the reason the members in our household eventually ended up feeling them is because I eventually infested it so badly with my body that there was no way they COULDN’T feel them. An infested sparrow has around 50,000 bird mites on it. I am a 5′ 9″ female. There’s no telling how many of these bird mites were on me at my worst. Based on the fact that our symptoms varied based on our immune health I have to say that they affect every person differently. But as you probably now know, they are almost impossible to erradicate so if they attacked anyone with a healthy immune system we’d all be covered in bugs.
If you are currently covered in microscopic parasites, please write down any health issues/symptoms you might currently be suffering from, and look into them. Those are crucial to bird mite recovery and getting your life back.
Hi! I just found your website. Everything you write about here resonates. I have been dealing with systemic candida for nearly 10 years now – 4 years ago I had an immune system breakdown, basically a compromised immune system – this occured when I had some some artifical sweeteners on an empty stomach after playing basketball, and this all happend when I was on a carnivore diet, after this incident I got very ill, I was totally out of energy and would literally sleep all day, wake up in the middle of the night to use the restroom and then go back to bed for the whole night, my stomach felt more off than with the usual IBS and the Leaky Gut symptoms. I was very weak for a couple of months. I ended up going upcountry, closer to nature where luckily ran into a clinic doing Basti Enema, this got me somewhat back to “normal” but I never did get rid of systemic Candida. After a month after doing the Basti Enema, and returning back to “normal” I contracted what seemed to be bird mites, and demodex mites at the same time. It was a nightmare, it would live in my clothes, if I had forgotten to wash my jeans it would instantly be back on my body and then take another few weeks to get rid off. I finally got rid of it by taking a lot of baking soda baths, and using Permerthrin cream. This was about 4 years ago as I just mentioned.
Around 2 years ago, they came back during a period of extreme stress and anxeity and I haven’t still till this very day haven’t been able to completely get rid of them. they’re always in my hair, on my body, my arms (I’m a guy with significant amount of arm hair), my clothes, my shoes, and anywhere I spend hours on such like my bed or my chair. It seems to me the worse my Candida gets the stronger or more prevalent the mites get eg. I went out for Indian food, and at the restaurant I had two Dosas (good carbs), after which immediately, the mites seemed to increase in population and in activity around my hair and on my body.
Today, I have managed to keep it at somewhat at bay with herbal lemongrass shampoo, and rotating between vinegar + water, tea tree oil, and lemongrass essential oil sprays, which I spray on my clothes, on my bed, and dump on my long thick hair. Despite keeping them at bay and not being out of control as it used to – its still never really gone either, I just can’t seem to shake them off anymore. I am 100% sure it has something to do with Candida, and my high stress levels.
Any recommendations would be immensely appreciated, I’ve been dealing with this nightmare long enough, they’re mostly in my hair.
I am planning to start swimming, and even start anti-candida protocols such as mixing 1/4 teaspoon of borax into a liter of water, which reduces the Candida level in my body significantly, and also consuming either raw or supplements of garlic. I just moved into a new apartment, they managed to hitchhike their way into this one too, I’ll need to start vacuuming my bed, or buy some sort of bed anti-mite cover.
You have a lot of good advice on here, but I am desperate to kill this monster for good. Please if I could be in communication with you to finally have someone I can talk to about this without being embarrassed would be a huge lift, and now that you know my story and the stuff that I have been doing – I would love for some feedback!
Thanks again,
Dee let’s talk. Go to my 1 on 1 page and schedule an appointment for us to have a chat!